Thursday, August 28, 2008

Before, After, and doing GREAT!

We took Aidan in for his recheck on Wednesday at 1:00 pm. Although the swelling had gone down, the lump had taken on a new shape and color. As soon as Dr. Weiner saw him he said the swollen gland had abscessed:( He left the room to call the surgeon. He came back and said they are waiting for you. WHAT? ! I checked out and met Marc in the parking lot. He quickly made plans for Ethan (thank you Leanna and Scott) and we headed to Summerlin hospital to meet with Dr. Kugot. She was so kind and explained things so we could understand. She said due to the location and size he would need to be put under and it would need to happen today:( Now the time was 2:55 and we were set up for a 5:oo pm surgery! There was barely time to think. Maybe that was a good thing. Her partner Dr. Fiore ended up preforming the surgery. He is also fantastic! Aidan did great! Because he was otherwise healthy and did so well he thought we could just take him home:)

As soon as we stepped out of the Hospital doors, Aidan became very calm and kept waving, Goodbye that is! What a funny little guy!

He slept thru the night and woke up SO happy! As soon as I set him down he just ran around and danced! He already was clearly feeling SO much better. He literally has been uncomfortable/ in pain for weeks.

We went back to see Dr. Fiore this morning. They called his name and he screamed so loud! He is absolutely done with doctors! Anyhow, he removed the packing and said everything looked great.

We are grateful it was nothing more sinister and very humbled by the other children we saw at the Surgeon's office.


Mikki said...

Bless his sweet little heart. I'm glad that everything went so well, and that he's feeling better.

brightonislove said...

i saw mitzi today. i was SOOOO glad to hear he was doing better

The Foulgers said...

Ok, I feel like such a loser friend. I just assumed that everything had gone alright at the Doc's. I should have called you! I'm so glad he is ok and feeling so much better!

Nicole said...

I'm so glad everything went well. Poor little guy.

Missy said...

Oh, how scary! I'm glad he's doing well. He's such cute little guy!
When Chloe went through her heart thing I always felt so bad for the other kids and parents in the office.

CL said...

I'm glad he's doing better but how scary! Wish I were closer and could be a better support your family.

Kim said...

Erin, so sorry you had to go through that. I'm so glad he's home and feeling better. I hope you're feeling better too.

anna banana said...

Erin, sorry to hear about all these problems with your little guy! I am glad he is doing better.

Kristi said...

I am so glad that everything went well for you guys, Those are the same doctor's that operated on my little girl when she was born I just love them!!