Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Girl's Camp came and went...

Chillin' like villians! The theme for this year was, "Abounding in Good Works, Ever Strong, Ever True." Each Ward had to choose a Superhero to emulate. We were Fantastic 4! Basically, we were Fantastic 4 everything! LOL Despite the torrential down pouring for 3 days, I had an incredible time. I'm quite fond of Camp Stimpson, I believe it is a sacred place, at least in my heart. I Love the EE YW! It still brings tears to my eyes on how beautiful these girl's are inside and out. I was completely blown away with their testimonies and how strong they are already! I knew this would be a learning experience for me, I just didn't realize how much that would in tale. I feel I am a better person or at least I will try to be because of the YW Leaders and YW I was able to associate with! I love you guys!

I love to watch the YW reading their scriptures during Grove time.

YEAH! We completed the 3rd year hike! Jessica was my buddy who graciously stopped every time I needed to catch my breath;)

Kim, Elexis, Shiloh, and Jessica striking a pose during the 3rd year hike.

This is Marc and Bishop Stolworthy helping us set up our camp at Camp Stimpson the Saturday before. Although, this is the only picture I took this day, there were others to acknowledge and thank! Sister Pace, Noorda, and Brother Black you made this day so much easier for me, THANK YOU;)


CL said...

Erin you look like one of the girls! And that's a good thing (though if someone told me that I might not think so!).

brightonislove said...

you have noordas in your ward?!

Erin+Marc = Ethan&Aidan said...

Yes! I do! Debbie and Cal, Their children are Kathleen, Kevin and ?(shoot I forgot the other twins name!) Anyhoo, they are GREAT!

Kristi said...

Hey Erin, I don't even know how I found your blog, I was on somebody else's and recognized the name so I checked it out and it was you, I have'nt talked, or seen you forever!! It looks like you are doing great, your kids are so cute. Ryan and I have 4 now and we live in St.George,are you still in Vegas? I would love to hear from you!!

The Foulgers said...

Where are all the pictures of you guys freezing in the rain? You make it look like the weather was amazing the entire time! Fun pictures, I'm glad you were able to go and have a great experience!

Missy said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed. I had tears in my eyes listening to you all report on Sunday. I love and miss those girls. Girls camp is such a great experience.

Mitzi said...

I love your pictures of the forest! It's nice to know there is somewhere close by that is cool and beautiful. I am proud of you for accepting and fulfilling your calling, even though it came with many challenges!

anna banana said...

We love you Erin! Thanks for all your hardwork!